Technological line equipment for gas and oil pipelines cleaning

Technological line equipment for gas and oil pipelines cleaning, also technological scheme of recycling process, the project of equipment placement and 3D model of the complex were developed by the engineering centre of LLC "Ecotech" in accordance with annual capacity of 150 thousand tons yearly, with a high level of automation.
Technological line can be devided in 3 phases: Preliminary mechanical pipes cleaning, liquid jet pipes cleaning to the level Sa2, utilization sector and sector of front-end treatment. The sector of automatic troubleshooting by the company MARVIE can be used in the line additionally.
The scheme allows to save consumables (application of water instead of abrasive), pare parts (world leading manufacturers only), to get timely service at minimum cost. The full automation allows to provide the plant operation with 3 lines for pipes cleaning Ø159-Ø1420 with maximum weight 10.000 kg with the personnel of 4 people (2 operators, 2 forklift drivers). The engineering centre of LLC "Ecotech" can complete the lines with equipment of world manufacturers, as well as with domestic analogues with the obligatory modifications, improving the quality and reliability of products.