Cable-stayed structure

Cable-stayed structure is a steel construction, its load-bearing components serve for tension.
LLC "Ecotech" in conjunction with Tula State University have developed, engineered the cable-stayed crossing structure and have calculated its strength. Under condition of restricted space and under special geological conditions it is not always possible to construct crossing/bridge with classic double-sided support structure. Then the cable-stayed structures come to help and allow to apply different constructive forms. They are practically not limited in load-bering capacity, are transporable, easily installed and have few limitations in wind and snow loads. Engineers of LLC "Ecotech" have solved the difficult problem, engineered the cable-stayed crossing to transport limestone from storage area of final products to railway line to load crushed stone into wagons. Transportation volume is up to 7000 tons a day. The cable-stayed structure is a reinforce concrete pylon with anchorage for stays. Stays are attached to the bracing beam, which forms a frame for placement of any equipment. Cable-stayed crossing is constructed above the regional automobile highway, thereby the most advanced safety and automation systems were applied, which allowed to consider all the requirements of supervisory authorities. The installation of cable-stayed crossing is possible to construct without diverting automobile traffic, that is one of the basic requirements of the project. Vertical clearance is 8 meters, and its width - 12 meters.